… an explosion of pleasure is created. Ouzo and tsipouro are the kings of the traditional spirits in Greece and they project loudly their identity. Their characters are outgoing and social and the reason they will always be part of the company, part of nights and days full of laughter, dreams, reminiscences, disagreements, reconciliations…
Because of anethole, the
essential oil of anise that
contains, it improves the
appetite. Also anise, its main
characteristic, helps with iron
absorption of food.
Because of its alcohol it helps
with vasodilatation and
reduces the blood pressure.
Ouzo and tsipouro are inseparably embedded in the Greek tradition and history and they seem to enclose Greece in only two words. A flavor from spring and sea the first and a flavor from autumn and mountain the second, they accompany us in moments full of laughter, talks, music and taste explosions.
But beyond the emotional labyrinths they seem to lead us, they also hide some small important secrets in their ingredients that improve not only our mood but also our health.
The Ouzo Christopoulos and the Tsipouro Christopoulos are fragments of the Messinian land, produced by the finest ingredients it has to offer and water from the mountain Taygetos. They are parts of a half-century tradition and they promise us journeys of authenticity and genuine flavor without “discounts” and compromises. And they come true!